Quick Weight Loss Advice 110: Juice Diet - Detox and weight loss?

Juice Diet - Detox and weight loss?

The juice diet is a popular diet, many people try - most people follow a detox diet to lose weight. It has many forms, lemons, oranges, carrots, vegetables, other possibilities. It is basically a fad diet or a crash diet including fruit juices and water intake. It is an extreme diet, because of the time consumed in the process of any solid food diet. Juice diet healthy? Detoxification whether your system?
So, to help lose weight? Think about this way. Points of the juice detox diet to lose weight is to consume fewer calories, your metabolic rate (the number of total daily calories your body burns). With the calorie deficit, do you think that will help you lose weight. But really in your diet juice calorie deficit? Or consume too many calories in your diet juice?
Say that you are on a diet orange juice - juice or fruit juice packaging? If your orange juice packaging (most packaging fruit juice sweetened), you drink 8-10 glasses of juice orange, then you may spend a lot of sugar. The sugar will lead to fat storage. So, leaving the juice pack.
Now, if you are a fresh fruit juice without sugar or vegetable juice detox diet detox diet, then you know you are not eating sugar more calories, but fewer calories. If weight loss is just a heat of the game, then this may work, but there are some complications.
Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so they bring vegetables and fruit juices are also good for your health. Some of these nutritional benefits, these juices of fruits and vegetables, but the fruit juice diet completely deprived of macro-nutrients, such as protein and fat.
Let's talk about protein. In the juice diet, there is no source of protein. Now, the human body has a certain amount of muscle weight (both male and female). In addition to the shape of the body, the muscles also helps protect your bone structure is not damaged, and store energy for your body. When you eat little or no protein in the juice diet, it is not enough to make these muscles. Therefore, your body muscle metabolism - your body uses muscle proteins necessary to maintain muscle. As a result, one of the side effects of the diet, juice muscle loss. When this muscle is lost, you lose muscle. Therefore, balance, can be said that she has lost weight, but I want to lose weight? Beyond slight muscle content in your body, lower your metabolism. Lower metabolic rate, body heat further decline in demand. Therefore, you need fewer calories to maintain your body. As a result, the low-calorie diet may not be sufficiently low. I need to go low?
Now, let's talk about fat - fat in your diet is an essential component in the process of digestion. To increase the absorption of nutrients in your body. If there is no fat in your diet is absorbed into your body less juice nutrients from your diet.
In addition, there are other potential problems juice diet:
Hypoglycemia: a vegetable juice diet may be low-carb. Low-carbohydrate can lead to low blood sugar, leading to headaches and low blood pressure.
Acidic blood / ketosis: changing eating high-carbohydrate diet diet does not provide enough carbohydrate supplement glycogen storage, and the body to go into ketosis through a series of stages, with side effects include fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia (heartbeat irregular), hunger, vomiting.
Juice - drug interactions: You can have a negative impact if you are prescription drugs or drugs. According to the American College of Cardiology, pomegranate and grapefruit juice magazine with statin (cholesterol-lowering drugs), anti-allergen, blood pressure drugs, painkillers and immunosuppressive agents. American Chemical Society learned that Apple and orange juice also treated with antacids and antibiotics. These interactions can cause potential damage to your health.
Well, you also want to go to a juice diet to lose weight? If you want to lose weight, weight loss program, healthy, balanced diet and effective exercise routine.
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